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Matstova offers good local food with great views of the fjord and mountains. We are open all year for events, groups, courses, and conferences.


On weekdays we offer a simple and tasty menu with home-made soup made with local villsau, cakes and coffee. Villsau (literally, "wild sheep") are Old Norse Sheep that roam freely in the coastal heathlands all year, and are a local delicacy. On Sundays we have a larger menu that varies throughout the season, from lamb steak and venison stew to vegetable soup, and sweet treats such as cakes and waffles.

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Events and venue hire

The Heathland Centre has its own chef, and serves food based on local ingredients. We focus on good quality local and organic ingredients, and work closely with local suppliers such as Ikeland Gard. We also have a field where we grow our own potatoes, lettuce, raspberries, and apples. The menu varies from season to season, depending on which ingredients are available.

Our specialties:

  • sustainable meat from traditional Norwegian sheep and cattle breeds: 
    • Villsau, "wild sheep"
    • Western Red Polled Cattle
    • Western Fjord Cattle from Havrå
  • organic potatoes and vegetables from Lygra


Contact us

For prices and menu suggestions:

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2