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The Emigrant Church

Brampton Lutheran Church was built by Norwegian settlers in North Dakota at the beginning of the 20th century, and was moved to Sletta in 1996. As many other prairie churches, the Brampton church is similar of both Norwegian church architecture and that which developed in settler congregations in America.

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    Flagg ved Emigrantkyrkja

The church was built in Brampton, Sargent County, after the initiative of the married couple Ingeborganna and Leonard Olson, she from Trondheim, he from Bergen. Ingeborganna founded the women's association in 1907 and throughout the following year she and Leonard organized the Norwegian-American congregation. The first priest, Michael Michelsen, had emigrated from Knappen in Øygarden. In 1911, the church building started, but the church was only consecrated in 1921. The builders were immigrants of the first or second generation, and we find names from, among others, Valdres, Jevnaker, Surnadal, Lindås and Telemark.

The church room was inspired by the religious heritage from home, but the churches in America were to serve another important purpose: they were to be social meeting places. The churches therefore got a meeting room, and in this church this is placed in the basement. Here you could share a meal, gather in sorrow and joy, and hear news from home. When the church was built at Sletta, the kitchen and living room were reconstructed as they were in Brampton, but with a modern upgrade. The room has been used for various purposes after the church came to Norway, but now houses the cafe Emigranten.

Read more about the objects in the church

In Norwegian, Digital Museum

Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.29
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2