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About us

MUHO is a museum for living cultural, natural, and industrial heritage, and a competence centre for conservation and care for historic buildings in Vestland. We are located in Salhus outside Bergen, Norway, and on the nearby islands of Lygra, Radøy and Osterøy.

Find us here:

MUHO provides engaging education and active management of a great variety of collections. We do not simply tell a story, but use knowledge about techniques and processes to show, teach and carry out work as it was traditionally done in local crafts, industry, and farming. Through authentic cultural environments and landscapes in Nordhordland and Bergen, we connect knowledge from the past to the challenges of the present. MUHO’s unique competence centres offer advice on building and collection care, and conservation of various materials.

  • Bilde av The Heathland Centre

    The Heathland Centre

    Find us

    We protect the coastal heathlands through active farming. Learn about sustainability and sample local food in a historical cultural landscape.

  • Bilde av Osterøy museum

    Osterøy museum

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    See the result of one hundred years of local history work at the folk museum at Osterøy. Immerse yourself in the region's textile history.

  • Bilde av The Western Norway Emigration Centre

    The Western Norway Emigration Centre

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    Experience the prairie village at Radøy, and learn about past and present migration.

  • Bilde av Havrå


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    Experience Havrå, one of Norway's best preserved cluster farms. By generations before us, for generations to come.

  • Bilde av The Conservation Services

    The Conservation Services

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    A competence centre for conservation in Vestland county. We work for the museum collections in the region, and offer professional conservation of objects and textiles.

  • Bilde av The Textile Industry Museum

    The Textile Industry Museum

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    How are clothes made? Experience the knitwear factory from 1859, and learn about the history of the textile industry in Western Norway.

  • Bilde av MUHO


    Find us

    MUHO's administration is also located in Salhus, and offices for The Cultural Heritage Service in Nordhordland.

Contact us

Museumssenteret i Hordaland
Salhusvegen 201
5107 Salhus

Phone: (+47) 55 25 10 80
Director: Elisabeth Herdla Halvorsen
General e-mail: post@muho.no

Invoicing information

Electronic invoices (EHF) should be sent to our organisation number: 971349743. You can also send an e-mail to faktura@muho.no with an invoice attached.


Elisabeth Herdla Halvorsen
Museum director
(+47) 907 92 832

Lene Sollesnes Holum
HR manager
(+47) 992 42 207

Mette Thomassen
Financial manager
(+47) 901 00 878


  • two men carrying a traditional "kipe" filled with maneure from sheep
  • 2/14
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    Osterøy museum
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    Osterøy museum
  • man and child in a former textile mill with knitting machines
    Tove Lise Mossestad
  • 6/14
    Salhus Tricotagefabrik sett frå sjøen. Helge Sunde
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    Skoleklasse aktivitetsdag Lena Eikeland Kutschera
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    Lena Eikeland Kutschera
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    A. Langøy
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    A. Langøy
  • 11/14
    Arbeid med årringsdatering Linn Willets Borgen
  • 12/14
    Vøling av steinløe Arild Sætre/Kulturverntenesta i Nordhordland
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  • 14/14
    Konservering av statue

We focus on:

Living natural and cultural heritage
We preserve natural and cultural heritage by transferring knowledge to people and new generations. Knowledge of cultural landscapes, work processes, techniques and resources live on through practical application in the management of our collections.

Industrial heritage
Industry leaves physical monuments behind, in the form of buildings, workshops,  machines, warehouses, and infrastructure, but also intangible heritage such as technical knowledge and the way the work is organised. We preserve industrial heritage and share knowledge about its social and cultural effects on society, and how it changes the landscape and environment.

Relocation of people in and between countries, often triggered by the need for work and hope for a better future, is relevant both in a historical context and in our time. We focus on cultural encounters between people, and how migration challenges and develops society.

Through proper conservation, we can slow down the deterioration of cultural heritage. We carry out knowledge-based conservation of everything from cultural landscapes to industrial heritage sites, buildings, and objects. Conservation may involve both preventive measures, direct treatment and documentation, examination and monitoring of objects to secure information and obtain new knowledge.

Our History

MUHO became the first joint museum organisation in Hordaland county when The Norwegian Knitting Industry Museum, The Conservation Department, and the conservator for technical and industrial heritage in Bergen joined forces in 2004, under the name Museumssenteret i Salhus (The Museum Centre in Salhus). In 2006, The Cultural Heritage Service in Nordhordland was established. From 1 January 2007, the organisation gained two new departments on Osterøy: the folk museum Osterøy museum and the farm and protected cultural landscape at Havrå. The Heathland Centre at Lygra joined MUHO on 12 February 2007, and emigration history became part of the museum’s portfolio through the inclusion of The Western Norway Emigration Centre in January 2010.

Museum24:Portal - 2024.10.08
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