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The First Workers' Apartments

What has it been like to live and work in a small company town?

In the oldest workers' apartments in Salhus, built in 1860, you can get an impression of this in the form of apartments from different time periods. Today, you can visit Klara Delph's apartment from the 1960s, and more are to come.

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    The first workers' housing, built in 1860. Trond Isaksen
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    Why not stop by seamstress Klara Delph's apartment from the 1960s? Trond Isaksen /Riksantikvaren
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    Housing was an issue from the start of the textile industry in Salhus, and many houses here were funded in whole or part by the textile mills. Helge Sunde
Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
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